Title: Volunteer Summit/City of West Linn Round Table Event
Location: West Linn City Hall/22500 Salamo Rd/West Linn
Description: Volunteerism is on the rise in West Linn, but not at the same rate as the need for volunteers. Most of us find our volunteer numbers lower than our need and we struggle to keep our volunteers excited and committed. If you have experienced any of this struggle, then mark your calendars for this event.
The City of West Linn is offering a Volunteer Summit to provide training and networking for organizations that use volunteers. Then, together as partners, the City will offer a Volunteer Fair for all past, present, and future volunteers in the community.
Saturday, April 30 – postponed
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Lunch will be provided
For more information, contact Bridget Saladino, City of West Linn, bsaladino@westlinnoregon.gov or (503) 723 2525
Date: 2011-04-30