Title: Happy Hour with the Chamber
Location: Join us for a great evening of networking. More details to follow…
Description: Tuesday, April 26
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Date: 2011-04-26
Business After Hours
Title: Business After Hours at John L. Scott Real Estate / 22340 SW Salamo Rd. / West Linn
Description: Join us for Business After Hours at John L. Scott Real Estate. Enjoy light refreshments, networking with other Chamber Members, and hearing a brief update on the current real estate market.
Thursday, April 21
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
John L. Scott Real Estate
22340 SW Salamo Rd / West Linn
Date: 2011-04-21
WL Chamber Board Meeting
Title: WL Chamber Board Meeting
Description: Willamette Fire Station #59
Date: 2011-04-19
WL Chamber Board Meeting
Title: WL Chamber Board Meeting
Location: 2011-04-19
Description: Willamette Fire Station #59
Date: 2011-03-06
WL Chamber Board Meeting
Title: WL Chamber Board Meeting
Location: 2011-04-19
Description: Willamette Fire Station #59
Date: 2011-03-06